A strategy group?

Would it not be great to form a group and help each other out with strategies and ways to take our writing career to the next level? The reason why I am not making any money with my writing is simply because I don’t treat it as a job… or rather I need a day job to live so I steer away from writing too often and this impedes my plans to have a career in writing.

judyYears ago, in 2005, I bought my first laptop computer (well, actually the first computer to my name) and discovered WDC. After a few months browsing around and taking part to several contests, I created my own group. It was then called The Terrace. I loved that virtual place and met several very good virtual friends. One of them was my dear Judy, who supported me with my writing and so many other aspects of my life I can’t begin to express here.

Judy has gone to heaven now, and the living world is missing a wonderful human being. It has been two-and-a-half year and still, every time I sit to write, I feel her presence, I hear her words, and I seriously feel like I fail my dear friend by not doing anything serious about my writing.

So, here it is: a word out to our community of readers and writers: Would two of you join me in a Writing Strategy Group? It would mean getting together every second month or so to discuss our individual goals and the steps to take. I believe the idea of discussing a strategy with someone else is strength enough. It would also mean reading each other’s stories and giving feedback. This can be done easily through google / gmail etc. We can be anywhere in the world to support each other.

I am waiting to hear from you. Don’t be shy! I know Judy would join me in a heartbeat. God bless you, my dear friend, I miss you.